Sunday, 14 May 2017

You cannot succeed in business, if you do not have and understand this five key triangle success skills. They are started below

Product or Service
Book Keeping/Accounting
Cash Flow

Product/Service: If you do not have product or service, you cannot talk about business. This is the beginning or first step of your entrepreneurship journey. Without this there is no need reading further.
Legal: The second step to take is to ensure that your Product or Service is acceptable by law in the society you are operating in. So that you do not get arrested by ignorance of the law.

Book Keeping/Accounting: You should learn how to keep record in your business. This is essential for business prediction, reference, accountability, coaching and converting your generated leads into customers. This is very essential.

Communication/Sales: This is the bedrock of success in any Business, if you cannot communicate effectively what your business is all about, I wonder how a customer will patronize you. If this skill is lacking in you, you will not even get a job to work for someone. You must market either yourself (Curriculum Vitae) or your product/service. Does it mean I must be loquacious before I can do business? No, it is a skill. Knowing how to say the right thing in the right order at the right place in the right way is key to your success. This can be achieved 100% more effectively online. That is what we call digital marketing. The new trend in the industry is called attraction marketing. This is key to an entrepreneur.

Cash Flow: The last but not the list is cash flow in your business. Many are not aware that tremendous cash flow in a business is potential failure. Most business failed because the amount of money the expected as Return On Investment (ROI) was far higher than their expectation, that was why the failed. They ended up upgrading their life style instead of their investment. Upgrade of life style is acquisition of liabilities (Things that does not bring money to you).

All the skills I mentioned above, apart from Legal can be developed to expert level in Multi-Level-Marketing (Network marketing). That is why I recommend MLM (Multi-Level-Marketing) to any one that wants to be an entrepreneur in life. Before you quite your job, I urge to join a Service MLM company to develop this skills. We have product and service MLM. The reason why I ask you to join Service, is to develop the skills more better, as you are not selling any product to your customers, and you are still able to break-even in the Service MLM company.

MLM will teach you coaching, managing, public speaking, Book keeping, cash flow prudency. You do not speed if you have not design how the money will come back. If you want to take 100k from your account to upgrade your life style, you will first use the same 100k to do seminar or conferences to guarantee more money back before spending it. MLM is the Business of the 21century, properly design that its principle can work in any sector.

It is a pity that people go into it without a coach/mentor, they become frustrated in less than a month because of lack of information and not having the right skill.
If you have a mentor, who is willingly to transfer knowledge because you registered the business under him, you will see success like magic.

I will like to transfer knowledge to just ten people, who will register any of the below listed MLM imbedded companies under me and receive a life changing coaching and mentorship


Any one you wish to register above, you can reach me via whatsapp or a call with +2348034453005 for those calling outside Nigeria or 08034453005 for those calling within Nigeria.

I await your call

Sign CEO BJ(Entrepreneurship Development Expert)
Founder: CEO Entrepreneurship Club (NGO)

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